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June 2025 Artwork

Elephant Leaping Kickstarter Reveal.png


Bull-Leaping is part of a series of  surviving frescoes found in the Palace at Knossos on the island of Crete. Painted on stucco relief around 1450 BC, these frescoes depict the Minoan ritual of bull-leaping—a ceremonial act of acrobatically jumping and tumbling over a charging bull.



Elephant Leaping depicts the Punic Wars, carrying on the long tradition of Romans borrowing from the Greeks. Hannibal directs his war elephant, with Quintus Fabius leaping away while Scipio Africanus moves to engage. Extra History’s four-episode series on the Punic Wars—our inaugural episodes—originally premiered in September of 2013. Art by David Hueso.

June 2025 Videos

June 2nd

Gordon Riots kill hundreds in London, 1780

June 6th

Normandy D-Day, 1944

June 11th

Kamehameha Day (Hawaii)

June 13th

Ibn Battuta begins his travels, 1325 (approximate)

June 17th

Vlad's night attack at TârgoviÈ™te, 1462

June 20th

"Autopsy of a wolf claimed to be the Beast of Gévaudan, 1767.”

June 24th

Meeting at Field of the Cloth of Gold Ends, 1520

June 28th

Archduke Franz Ferdinand assassinated, 1914

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