History Happens Every Day
August 2025 Artwork

Wanderer above the Sea of Fog is a defining work of the Romantic movement by German artist Caspar David Friedrich, painted in 1818. The painting features a solitary figure standing on a rocky outcrop, gazing out over a mist-covered landscape. This Rückenfigur rear-facing figure) composition reflects the introspective and sublime themes of Romanticism.
Ibn Battuta Dreams of Travel shows our Moroccan traveler overlooking a vista of legendary travel destinations including (clockwise) The Matterhorn, Machu Picchu, the Dome of the Rock, and Angkor Wat—all locations explored in Extra History episodes. Our five-episode series on Ibn Battuta originally premiered in March of 2020. Art by David Hueso.
August 2025 Videos
August 1st
Eleanor of Aquitaine becomes Queen of France, 1137
August 3rd
Columbus sets sail on first voyage (he brought the pigs later), 1492
August 6th
Bolivian Declaration of Independence, 1825
August 14th
Doc Holliday's Birthday, 1851
August 17th
Animal Farm by George Orwell published, 1945
August 21st
Dutty Boukman's ceremony begins Haitian Revolution, 1791
August 25th
Battle of Blair Mountain begins, 1921
August 28th
Third Crusade: Siege of Acre Begins, 1189