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March 2025 Artwork

Beautiful Cleopatra without Mercy Kickstarter Reveal.png


La Belle Dame sans Merci, or The Beautiful Lady Without Mercy, is an 1893 oil painting by British artist John William Waterhouse. Inspired by a medieval ballad, the painting depicts a knight spellbound by a mysterious woman, with Waterhouse using rich color, intricate detail, and striking facial expressions to create a dreamlike tone.



Beautiful Cleopatra without Mercy portrays Caesar succumbing to Cleopatra’s charms. Behind them, a surprised Mark Antony looks on, unaware that the same fate will later befall him. Extra History’s five-episode series on Cleopatra originally premiered in September of 2020. Art by David Hueso.

March 2025 Videos

March 4th

Jack Sheppard's Birthday, 1702

March 10th

Battle of Aegates ends First Punic War, 241 BCE

March 12th

Cairo Conference begins, 1921

March 17th

Mercy Brown exhumed, 1892

March 22nd

Third Century Crisis begins, 235 (approximate)

March 25th

Triangle Shirtwaist Fire, 1911

March 28th

Union wins Battle of Glorieta Pass, 1862

March 31st

Commodore Matthew Perry signs the Treaty of Kanagawa, 1854

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